Friday, July 16, 2010

Review of Inception. It's a paradox.

Inception, written and directed by the acclaimed Christopher Nolan, and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page, is a completely mind blowing and amazing experience. The first forty five minutes or so are part espionage thriller, and the last two hours are contained within the mind, making it a sci-fi thriller. At first it came across my mind that this had a little too much to do with The Matrix, but this is actually much better and the only similarity they share is going under through a machine to go to the dream world. Nolan, who loves to add twists and turns to his plots, certainly has room to play here, with a few things you wouldn't expect thrown in here or there. Christopher Nolan definitely took his time with this one, it took him eight years to write it. Well, his hard work and dedication have paid off because this is his best film yet. Some may argue the The Dark Knight is better, but that would only be so because they couldn't understand the depth to this film. Although the trailers seem mysterious and any and all plot details were kept under wraps during production, it's actually a very simple, easy to follow tale of lost love, subconscious theft, and paradoxes. Also not without an underlying theme and meaning behind it, and I dare you to find it. The acting is phenomenal on DiCaprio's part, you can tell he was working hard on this one. I personally think he's great in every role, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of judgement. All of the supporting actors a great as well, boasting the likes of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ken Wantabe, and Tom Hardy, they all fit so well into their respective roles and they communicate so well with each other with some of the best dialouge ever written in a summer blockbuster.
The Verdict:
You must see Inception, one of the greatest summer blockbusters ever made, and it looks fantastic. Low-gravity shots, sideways rain, slow-motion scenes. They're all perfect additions to the mind-bending extravaganza that is Inception. Nolan is one of the greatest filmmakers of this generation. I give it five kicks ouit out of five. 5/5

1 comment:

  1. Truly unique, like nothing I've ever seen before. Christopher Nolan certainly covered new ground with this film and wasn't afraid to leave us hanging with a spectacular ending.
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My Top Ten Favorite Films (as of 8/10/10)

  • #1- Fight Club
  • #2- Apocalypse Now
  • #3- Young Frankenstein
  • #4- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • #5- Unforgiven
  • #6-The Deer Hunter
  • #7- Taxi Driver
  • #8- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • #9- Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
  • #10- The Big Lebowski